GenderCollab is a Community of Practice that brings together partners to work towards advancing gender intentionality within the health systems.

What makes us unique?

GenderCollab is a Community of Practice that focuses on enabling responsive active learning to enable actionable and impactful change on the ground, through research-driven and practice-based gender-intentional processes that can drive better outcomes for health systems in India.

What does this platform do?

Through collaboration and cross-learning opportunities, the platform will provide sound research and insights as well as usable tools to guide health system stakeholders on gender transformative practices, techniques and perspectives.

It will cater to local contexts and capacities through customised resources and a strong evidence base, while also showcasing exemplary practices from the field that the community can learn from. The platform will thus seek to foster a sense of shared purpose, collaboration and learning among the network partners.

Browse Knowledge Center

GenderCollab’s Key Activities

Through a range of efforts, GenderCollab will seek to enable responsive active learning around gender-intentional health systems.


Build resources and actionable tools for technical and conceptual capacity


Convene expert and co-practitioner networks to collaboratively learn with


Create opportunities to highlight partners’ work and share resources


Put together learning exchange visits and in-person workshops


Curate virtual learning events around relevant thematic areas


Provide need-based technical and advisory support on specific programming initiatives